Dr. Subramanian Swami yesterday made out a very important statement. He alleged that two key members of an important political family in Punjab had parked illegal funds abroad by registering a Trust in a tax haven. His charge is based on documents with regard to the creation of the trust. The statement indicates that the trust was formed on 26th July, 2005.
There are two important circumstances. In July, 2005, some members of this family held very powerful positions. Additionally, the documents indicating payments abroad during this period have even surfaced in the past. Dr. Swami’s statement is not a vague allegation. It gives details of the trust of which there are Indian beneficiaries. It also refers to details of certain accounts.
Obviously, nobody expects during election time, the family to admit that it has parked illegal funds in Tax Havens. But is it enough to say that the allegation is baseless and malicious? The specific details need to be answered. It is for the government of India through its agencies to issue a letter rogatry to competent authorities outside asking for details. It is only then that these details can either be confirmed or contradicted. Are the persons named in the Dr. Swami’s statement willing to waive off all legal rights in favour of the government agencies, asking the government to come out with confirmation or denial?
The Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association:
Mr. Virbhadra Singh has become the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh several times. In his last two tenures, I do not recollect a single positive contribution that he has made to the State. He seems to have a special dislike for Cricket and for the Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association. The most of the energies of the government are spent only in either enacting laws to capture the Cricket Association, taking over the Dharamshala Cricket Stadium or prosecuting those involved in the construction of India’s most beautiful cricket stadium. The Chief Minister has not learnt basic lesson; the more vindictive you are, the more unpopular you will become.